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Did you know that...


  • A cat sees about six times better than a human at night .
  • A cat uses whiskers to determine if a space is too small to squeeze through. The whiskers act as antennae, helping the animal to judge the precise width of any passage.
  • A cat will clean itself with paw and tongue after a dangerous experience or when it has fought with another cat. This is an attempt by the animal to soothe its nerves by doing something natural and instinctive.
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  • Dogs are more than just our best friends. Plato once said that “a dog has the soul of a philosopher.”
  • A dog can hear sounds 250 yards away.
  • Dogs have 319 bones. For comparison, humans have only 206 bones.
  • No two dog noses are alike. Everyone is different, just like people, every fingerprint is unique.
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Cats and dogs

Contrary to popular belief, cats are not always afraid of dogs. It’s just that the furry one has too sensitive ears, so the dog’s barking is perceived as an airless alarm signal. If the dog does not pretend to be the city bell, then the cat will be quite tolerant of its presence. And if the cat does not run away, then the dog’s “chase” reflex will not work. Then they will not be annoyed by either barking or running away. We're used to it!

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